

Timeline Gadget

Available from 1.6.0 version

This gadget allows you created Timeline on your Board by saved Timeline.

Timeline is available as a gadget. Click Add new gadget on your dashboard and select Timeline.

Select one of your saved Timeline as shown below and click Save.

On Gadget mode you can only select Timeline Name. In this mode timeline gets own saved configuration to show timeline.

That's all about usage of Timeline. We hope you'll have a great experience with our plugin!

Timeline Gadget [Deprectated]

This gadget will be removed in 1.8.0 release. You need migrate your gadgets to new version.

This gadget allows you created Timeline on your Board by selected filter.

Timeline is available as a gadget. Click Add new gadget on your dashboard and select Timeline [Deprecated].

Select one of your saved filters as shown below and click Save.

On Gadget mode you can only select filter. In this mode timeline gets only global configuration to show timeline.

That's all about usage of Timeline. We hope you'll have a great experience with our plugin!

Migration to new gadget version

  1. On your gadget you will see information about gadget deprecation. You shoul click 'Migrate it now to new version' button
  2. You need define name for new Timeline and click migrate. It will be use your filter and standard Timeline Configuration defined by your administrator. 
  3. You will see success message
  4. Reload page.