Shield Custom Field

Table of Contents


Field allows you to present any other JIRA field (standard or custom) as shields of different color. Shields are build from field labels, field values or constant text. If you use multiple multi-value fields for shields then plugin will generate cross product of all possible combination of values as shields. Please check configuration details for more information.

Shield field can also be visible in all place that supports custom fields:

  • Jira gadets and dashboards.
  • Jira issues list view.
  • Confluence Jira macro.
  • Third party plugins that can use embed other custom fields.

Adding a custom field

Configuring a custom field

  • Please fallow Jira Admin guide for Configuring a custom field
  • For field specific configuration please fallow guides for configuring details on chosen field

Configure Shield

Scheme Configuration for Shield custom field will summaries configuration for your field.

Use Edit shield link to change definition of your shield.

Preview IssueAllows you to preview how shield will be generated on give issue. Issue must be a valid issue key/

Shield colorAllows you to select shield color from one of predefined colors.

Red shield

Shield label expression

Allows to define expression which will generate shield label. Shield expression details are describe below.

Shield value expressionAllows to define expression which will generate shield value. Shield expression details are describe below.

Shield expressions

Shield expression is build as a list of expression parts. During expression generation parts are joined to produce single string. White space is used to join parts.

Aviable expression parts are:

  • Text - shield will use it as constant value.
  • Field Name - shield will use field name as constant value.
  • Field Value - shield will use field value for given issue.

Multi-value fields

  • When multi-value Field Value is used as part of shield expression then plugin will generate more then one shield. Separate shield will be generated for each field value.

  • When more then one multi-value field is used as Field Value then plugin will generate cross product of all fields values. Separate shield will be generate for each combination of field values.