Known problems / FAQ

Known problems / FAQ

Click on the links to expand panels and see answers.

 How to limit number of users that are synchronized.

You can use directory parameter: google.apps.group. If provided then only users from this group will be synchronized. If blank then all users will be synchronized.

 I got an error: My license key is empty.
  ERROR 06:53:43,535 095-exec-3 SimpleLicenseManager - Given license key is empty.
            ERROR 06:53:43,555 095-exec-3 SimpleLicenseManager - Can't decrypt/encrypt license.            
			Cause: {}
            pl.craftware.license.exception.CipherException: Decryption error.
            at pl.craftware.license.core.Cipher.decrypt(Cipher.java:55)
            at pl.craftware.license.core.SimpleLicenseManager.loadLicenseKey(SimpleLicenseManager.java:76)
            at pl.craftware.crowd.directory.internal.GoogleAppsDirectoryImpl.createGoogleAppsClientLazily(GoogleAppsDirectoryImpl.java:155)            

You must go to directory tab in crowd and simply update Google App directory properties by clicking Update button.

 Latest release of add-on has resolved this issue.
 My log files are poluted with google api logs!

Due to a problem with Google libraries, pl.craftware.shaded.com.google.api.client.http.HttpTransport logger produces too much data. If this is a problem for you, you can disable it with:


added to log4j.properties.