FAQ Search Linked Issues For JIRA
- Małgorzata Wierzgała (Unlicensed)
- Artur Karpiński
- Paweł Darmofalski (Unlicensed)
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Issues in Epic are stored in JIRA as special link type called: "Epic-Story Link"
To find all issues linked to epics from filter or query:
- issue in linkedIssuesFromFilter("filter name", "Epic-Story Link")
- issue in linkedIssuesFromQuery("jql query", "Epic-Story Link")
Second parameter holds relation name. But be warned - there is difference between relation name expected in this parameter and each direction descriptions of relation.
Every relation in JIRA has the name and descriptions of its 2 directions. If you want to have selected only one specific direction of given relation you can use the third parameter of the function which can have 2 values inward/outward. Search Linked Issues for JIRA don't use direction descriptions, only relation name.
Please as your administrator to get real relation name. Relation names could be found in JIRA administration - see jira documentation.
Sample relation configuration can be:
- relation X name - 'Cloners'
- inward direction description of relation X * - 'Clones'
- outward direction description of relation X * - 'Is cloned by'
So you could query like this:
- issue in linkedIssuesFromFilter("filter name", "Cloners", "inward")
- issue in linkedIssuesFromFilter("filter name", "Cloners", "outward")
Since version 2.10.0 we added relation description handling in queries.
Now, you can use :
- issue in linkedIssuesFromfilter("filter name", Clones")
- issue in linkedIssueFromFilter("filter name", "Is cloned by")
to get issues similar as query provided in earlier versions.
Probably there is a problem with UPM and Plugin License Storage plugin bundled with your JIRA. You can check this in logs looking for PluginLicenseStoragePluginUnresolvedException. Any users using JIRA 5.0.1+ could run into this problem because these versions of JIRA come bundled with UPM 2. Update the UPM in JIRA and re-install add-on fix this problem.