FAQ Search Attachment For JIRA

Click on the links to expand panels and see answers.

 Why add-on shows that license is empty when I provided valid license at plugin management page?

Probably there is a problem with UPM and Plugin License Storage plugin bundled with your JIRA. You can check this in logs looking for PluginLicenseStoragePluginUnresolvedException. Any users using JIRA 5.0.1+ could run into this problem because these versions of JIRA come bundled with UPM 2. Update the UPM in JIRA and re-install add-on fix this problem

 Why issue in havingAttachments(...) returns incomplete results or even no results?
The plugin may give incomplete results in the following situations:
  • when issue index wasn't created yet (you have to schedule it manually after plugin installation);
  • or when the index creation above is in progress;
  • or when an attachment was just added to a JIRA issue and its indexing is in progress (indexing of such individual attachments is fired automatically and you don't have to schedule it, but it may be still in progress);
  • or when indexing of some attachments failed. In that case you'll need to check the logs. If logging wasn't configured previously, you also need to reindex all issues, or at least re-attach the single files that seem to be not indexed;
  • or when you made a mistake in query - see User Guide - Search Attachment.
 Temporarily changing the logging level
  1. Choose  > System
  2. Select Troubleshooting and Support > Logging & Profiling to open the Logging page, which lists all defined log4j categories (as package names) and their current logging levels.
  3. To change logging level of a category, click linked logging level associated with the relevant package name. To turn off logging of a category, click the 'OFF' link associated with the relevant package name.
 How to enable plugin logging

The plugin logs are present in the usual atlassian-jira.log file, however if logging for the plugin wasn't enabled previously, you have to:

  • enable INFO or DEBUG level for packages below just as described here; DEBUG level is more verbose and should be only used temporarily. 
    • com.addonrock.jira
    • pl.craftware.jira
  • rerun the action details of which you'd like to see in the logs;

Other problems and questions?

Try checking the logs first. If that doesn't help, please contact us at our Support Portal. Don't forget to add the important snippets of the logs to your message.




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