Administrator Guide - Google Drive Exporter

Craftware Google Drive Exporter For JIRA needs google autentifications credentials for corectly working. It is a oAurh 2.0 protocol for security user autentification. This manual shows how to properly configure the plugin.

  1. Download the add-on file from Atlassian Market. (click Download from the right menu bar)

  2. In your JIRA open Add-ons → Manage add-ons → Upload add-on . And install plugin from your disk.
  3. Open Google Developer Console
  4. Create new project Google Console Project:

  5. Search Google Drive API and enable it

  6. Google SpreadSheets APi and enable it

  7. Create oAuth credentials:
  8. Enter yout client name and Authorized redirect URIs (YOUR_JIRA_BASE_URL+ /secure/GoogleAuthViewAction!auth.jspa)
  9. Downlad JSON configuration
  10. Copy JSON from downloaded file and paste it to JIRA configruation

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